Sunday, December 16, 2007

Its Faux Fur Scarf Time - Look Gorgeous and Get Noticed

It’s a week before Christmas and all though the house not a creature is stirring except for the husband. Everything is wrapped and under the tree except for one present. His wife’s! Some people seem to be perennially hard to buy for and for many men it’s their wives who are the hard-to-buy-for person.

Faux fur scarves look great and come in a variety of sizes, fur thicknesses, and colors. However, because they are natural colors, they tend to go with more things (and you don’t have to worry about matching her periwinkle blue top… whatever periwinkle blue is).

Of course you do want to think a little bit about what she’d prefer but I’ll make it really easy for you:

1. Does she like to wear smooth shirts or coarse top? A smooth shirt might be made of cotton, for example, while a coarse top might be a wool sweater, for example. If she prefers smoother fabrics like cotton, silk, or jean tops, consider a thicker fur scarf. If she likes big wooly sweaters and bulky tops then find a thinner scarf made of a shimmery, silky fabric.

2. Does she like to wear dark colored tops or light colored tops? If dark colors, get a faux fur scarf that is lighter in color. If wearing lighter tops, get fur scarves that are darker in color.

3. Is her hair short or long? Someone with shorter hair can wear a furrier faux fur scarf than someone with longer hair.

4. This might be a little advanced for some, but if you can, find a scarf that will look great against her skin. And for extra points, tell her that when she unwraps it: “I got that for you because I think you’ll look great with it. It really accentuates your skin tone.”

You already know that women love accessories like purses, belts, watches, jewelry and shoes. Fur scarves are another type of accessory but it’s useful, too: you know that she won’t catch a cold this winter because of the cold air on her neck. Us guys might like to wear the same shirt or underwear until it can no longer be called such but women can sometimes feel that their wardrobe gets tired quickly. Women want to feel good about their clothes because they feel good in their clothes. And fur scarves (and other kinds of scarves) will save you money because she won’t have to buy a new wardrobe with the addition of a few of these accessories!

And if your wife or girl (or other special lady… mom, sister, aunt, grandma, female friend, etc.) doesn’t like real fur, you won’t go wrong by getting a faux fur. They look great, feel great, and she’ll be happy, too.

Can you tell the difference between a real mink stole and a faux fur scarf? Yes, you can tell, but most people would have to look closely and feel the fur to know the difference. If that's the case, why not look gorgeous in a faux fur scarf at a fraction of the price? has many real and faux furs to choose from with great prices and high quality. Why not visit them today to see the latest in gorgeous fashion accessories and clothing.

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